ANCA presents a sample of the photographic record of the many activities we sponsor and participate in. More ANCA photos are in our Members section.
COL Belinda Spencer and PFC Richard Britton cut the cake at the 31st Combat Support Hospital, Camp Arifjan, Kuwait.
MG Barbara Holcomb and 2LT Jennifer Garcia wield the sword at Brooke Army Medical Center, Ft. Sam Houston, TX
COL Lozay Foots, MG Barbara Holcomb, and 2LT Clara Leister at Ft. Hood's celebration.
MAJ Brian Johnston and SPC Tyler Clark do the honors at West Point.
MAJ Brando Jobity and LTC Stacey Freeman at the Ft. Lee, VA celebration.
COL John Groves, junior AN officers dressed in AN historical uniforms, Guest Speaker CPT Ryan Kules, and honoree Dr. Mary McCarthy at MAMC's event at Ft. Lewis, WA.
COL (Ret.) Roy Harris, COL Rich Evans and 2LT Samantha Leahy at the combined area celebration at Ft. Belvoir, VA.
MG Barbara Holcomb, ANCA Founding President COL (Ret.) Doris Cobb, and 2LT Julie Barker at the luncheon at the Ft. Sam Houston Golf Club.
Sgt. Jose Mendoza, LTC Christopher Lindner, LTC Frank Lee and Hector Enriquez represent the three arms of Army nursing at Ft. Bliss, TX.
MAJ Donna McNeil and PFC Darryl McMullen at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO.
In keeping with the more than 100-year tradition, the 116th anniversary of the founding of the Army Nurse Corps on 2 February 1901 was celebrated again this year by Army Nurses and their colleagues and friends around the world.